
Why Endtest?

Intelligent Test Automation

Endtest is the leading test automation vendor.

We provide a complete software platform to help organizations efficiently build automated end-to-end tests for Web and Mobile Applications.

Our technology empowers your team to build tests faster, without writing any code.

The most efficient way to automate tests

Gone are the days when your team had to stitch together an overcomplicated and unstable internal test automation framework.

We bring together everything that’s required to build and execute tests.

Traditional test automation creates bottlenecks that can slow down your release cycles.

While researching for solutions, you probably came across Selenium.

Selenium is open source and free.

While you may be tempted by the zero cost of an open source library such as Selenium, it's worth knowing that the time you consume writing code for those tests still translates into spendings for your company.

And there are other functionalities which do not involve Selenium, that you might need for your tests, such as:

  • Video recording of test executions.
  • Computer Vision.
  • Integrations with Jenkins, Jira, Slack, etc.
  • Email notifications with the results.
  • Sending API requests in your tests.
  • Testing file downloads.
  • Checking the emails and SMS messages sent by your .
  • Scheduling tests to run at certain hours or intervals.

Those functionalities are not easy to implement.

And you would also need some Windows and macOS machines and mobile devices to execute your tests on them, assuming that you can't always use your own work computer for that task.

A website looks pretty different even on Chrome on Windows vs. Chrome on macOS, but all those users who access your site from Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and mobile devices still want everything to look and work perfectly.

Would implemeting and taking care of all those aspects cost your company less than $138/month?

Definitely not.

That's why we built Endtest.