
Selenium Alternative

1. Easier to use

Endtest is more powerful and easier to use than Selenium.

We empower users to execute web tests on all major browsers, without the hassle of writing code.

That means anyone in your team can create stable and reliable tests.

We even provide a cross-browser cloud, tightly integrated in our platform.

2. Faster results

In order to use Selenium, you have to stitch together an internal framework.

That can take more than 4-5 months and it becomes difficult to maintain.

With Endtest, you can start creating and executing your tests from day one.

That means your company gets a great ROI when using Endtest.

3. Seamless collaboration

It's difficult to collaborate with other colleagues when writing Selenium tests.

Writing and maintaining code takes a lot of time.

And you need to store that code in an external Git or SVN system.

With Endtest, your tests are stored directly in our cloud.

And each test can be modified directly in the UI, without having to write any code.

That makes collaboration smooth.

4. End to end capabilities

Create and execute complex end to end tests.

With Endtest, you can test almost anything, including APIs, emails, SMS messages, PDF files.

You can even perform screenshot comparisons and SQL queries.

And orchestration becomes a breeze, with our powerful Endtest API.

5. Reliability

Endtest is more reliable.

Issues in open-source solutions can take months or even years to get fixed.

On our side, we always make sure everything works as expected.

And that means you can focus on your tests, instead of opening issues in GitHub or asking questions on StackOverflow.